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Mountain Biking in Oklahoma?

Doesn’t that require mountains? Well, yes. And no. Oklahoma is notoriously thought of as a flat state. It is easy to look out at the...

Earth Day

Earth Day is a holiday that comes every year on April 22nd. It is a holiday not as widely celebrated as it could/should be. I remember...

Preparing for a Triathlon: Biking.

The triathlon is an intense sporting event involving running, biking and swimming. The three sports are morphed together into one...

10 #MTB Trail Essentials

10 Things to Pack for your next #MTB Adventure: 1 - Mountain Bike Maybe it goes without saying, but a very important part of your trip is...

Welcome to the Project.

Hi, my name is Miles Woods. Just three weeks ago, I knew absolutely nothing about mountain biking. I still wouldn't call myself an expert...

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